Mildred’s Dairy - A biog

Hoist by their own petard, the Bauhuas and Bunnymen inspired boyband beat combo which was Fire Point 13, crashed and burned on a finite fuse in a suppurating swamp of post punk kitch. Losing all artistic and political focus in a fair fortnight self-induced fug of Alpine Cola, Macaroon bars and spearmint chewing gum, the spiral into decay saw Marx and Engels replaced with Marks and Spencer, The Velvet Underground with the Govan Underground, Jackson Pollock with Pollok Park and the NME and Sounds by The Evening Citizen and the Pink Times. The end as they say, was nigh. A brief return to former glories was short-lived when the band unintentionally and by accident rather than design, gave the world Hip Hop – the name inspired by a misspelled broken neon sign spotted above a Craigton Road cHip sHop during a reccy for six fritters, ten regal and a packet of rizlas – In a moment of creative genius, The Chookerhill Gang evolved. Although the genre; which saw its first light of day on that wet yellowed lamp lit, chip poke strewn pavement in Glasgow, cut a cultural swathe through the US; like their previous foray into music, it proved a short and destructive fuse for “the gang” resulting yet again in in-fighting and petty squabbling over musical direction, political and cultural ideology and the ownership of a brown Austin Allegro Vanden Plas which sparked their sad demise once more. In the years that passed, the longing for the glory days never faded and armed with a new batch of furtive gems, Bobby Dairy courted his former cohorts with a rallying cry to give it one last try. Receptive to the new initiative, the three set sights once again and embarked upon a musical quest - having the foresight this time to involve some musicians along the way! And so, Mildred’s Dairy was born. Six strong and taking its name from a leotard clad teenage crush, the Co-Operative began the writing and recording process in 2014, which would, after milking and pasteurisation see them churning out hit after hit – or at least that’s how they saw it. 2015 saw little in the way of live gigs – appearing at the Sky In The Park Festival in Glasgow with Wooden Box, Team Player, Monica Queen and Radio Clyde’s George Bowie, and culminating in the momentous event which was Govan Loves Christmas with Dumb Instrument, The Cut Throat Razors and (you guessed it) George Bowie – their concentration was fixed predominantly on the recording of their first album at the Green Room Studio in Govan. The result is an album of post punk, indie pop musings on the usual topics of love, loss, lust and leotards. It’s called The Helsinki Bus Station Theory and will be officially released early in 2016, although limited copies are available on CD format at upcoming gigs (they are planning on a fair few in 2016) and through your wonderful local record store Love Music in Glasgow. You may have heard Evergreen, their first track from the album getting airplay on your local community radio station or worldwide via RKC Radio – it even made the shortlist for the Listening Post on Tom Robinson’s Fresh on the Net. If you haven’t heard them yet, you will soon. Look out for gig notifications on their Facebook page and follow them on twitter – they love it when you engage. And if you really can’t wait to hear their stuff live, click on the link below for the Soundcloud and Music Glue page. As they say - It’s been a long time comin’.

Contact Bobby on 07515 753982 or at

©Mildred’s Dairy 2016

Artwork by Alf Button’s Revenge

This is our Soundcloud page

Event Highlights