UK purveyors of HM-2 powered Grindcore meets southern-fried sludge, featuring members of Descent, Pythia, Head-On and Abgott. Lunatic Hooker started life as a crazy late night drunken/high idea for 5 friends, who had grown a bit disillusioned with playing music due to ongoing problems and stresses in their current bands (band members, labels, management etc etc), to just get together in a rehearsal room, have a few beers and just write and blast out some heavy as hell metal for the sheer fun of it. Just like when we all first started playing in bands. So we got together and wrote a few tracks, and then wrote a few more and in no time we had an album's worth of material ready to record. It went so well and we enjoyed it so much that now Lunatic Hooker is also a fully functioning live band (have already played with Magrudergrind, Corrupt Moral Altar and Hang The Bastard) and are currently finishing off recording our debut album (for release later in the year).

Influences - Carcass, Rotten Sound, Nasum, Cretin, Mortician, Napalm Death, Eyehategod and Iron Monkey

Band Interests - The gods of grind, the sultans of sludge, beer, whisky, weed, tea and cake.

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