Imagine classic rock - but infinitely heavier, with a serious kick of energy, a hefty dose of 90's groove metal influence and you wouldn't be far off Limb to Limb's sound. Hailing from five European backgrounds and finding their home in the heart of the UK capital, it didn't take long for them to create a plethora of dirty, sleazy, riff-orientated rock songs topped off with distinctively infectious female vocals that consistently impress the crowds they play to.

With their high level of musicianship and impressive stage performance, it would be difficult to believe that Limb to Limb have only been together for a year and a half. In this short amount of time they have extensively gigged throughout many of London’s most notorious venues - including the likes of 12 Bar, The Unicorn and 229. They also performed a small tour in North Italy during the Summer of 2015, ending in a main stage performance at the Sabbio Summer rock festival. The band currently have two EPs out: 2015’s “For Machines” and 2014’s “Lack of Hate”.

Right now, Limb to Limb are working their way towards recording and releasing a live studio session featuring completely new songs as well as booking a UK tour for the Summer of 2016.