3-BulletFriday Week 48

Every friday I will post three artist (3 is my lucky number) that is my weeks findings on Spotify, iTunes, LastFM, Soundcloud etc... that really opened my eyes and ears to new great music. The key here is great songs, so no specific genre is favored.

I hope you'll enjoy these songs as I did!


Mikhal is an Israeli-born alternative indie artist living and creating in Brooklyn, NY. Her songs tell poignant, naked songs with a powerful voice. Pay special attention to "Small Song" a fantastic piece! She recently released her debut LP, Daughter of the Sea, in May 2017.

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This song blew my head! A strong melody, a fantastic voice and superb lyric. The thing is that I stumbled upon this artist when I was googling myself (yes we all do that...) and mispelled my name (admit it, you too have made the same mistake) and to my surprise found this hidden gem. He's from St.Lous, US and I hope he'll do more music. Show him your love on Twitter if you got the chance!

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Mikael Edfelt

This is really local. Mikael is a singer/songwriter I had the honor to both listen to and meet last Sunday on a venue in Stockholm. This fantastic lyric maker and singer writes stories that knocked the public. So smart, funny, witty and made you think twice. He is in my opinon one of the best story teller I have ever heard. And he sings really good!

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