No Mind Guitar: Contemplative Practice on Six Strings (PDF version)

The Stillwater Method, Book One

Stillwater Guitar Method Book Revised.pdf

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Click here to order the 14-video MasterClass on Guitar Artistry

CLICK HERE to watch 'No Mind Guitar' Introduction

CLICK HERE to watch
'No Mind Guitar'Demonstration Video #1- including Legendary I - VI (original numbering)

Enter a doorway into endless hours of contemplative practice and creative enjoyment with 'No Mind Guitar'.

Featuring 65 original guitar pieces, patterns vary from simple to moderately challenging, accessible to anyone with an interest in improving their guitar playing skills.

"Michael Stillwater’s ‘No Mind Guitar’ provides an excellent, intuitive and direct entrance into the world of guitar where the innocent bliss of making music is not clouded or obstructed by heavy doses of theory."

Stephan Thelen, guitarist/composer, Switzerland

Each pattern is written in standard notation as well as guitar tablature. Standard chord symbols and fretboard diagrams are included for most patterns.

'No Mind Guitar' offers numerous exercises combining open strings with moving chords along the neck, with repeated picking patterns which allow for developing both left and right-hand dexterity.

"Great new creative possiblities! Everything is technically clear and accessible, allowing me to try out new sounds and expand the spectrum of my guitar accompaniments. To my delight I found patterns which I don't usually use, but which can easily integrate into new songs of my own. I will be using this!"

Mark Fox, singer/songwriter and author, True Voice

Starting slow and gradually building up to a faster tempo, you may find exercises which first appear as arduous transform into contemplative relaxation.

The key to learning with joy is continuous kindness to yourself as 'mistakes' are released each moment and you begin anew once again. Nowhere to get to, other than being present to the process. Listening closely to the sounds emerging from your fingers on the strings.

"Michael Stillwater’s No Mind Guitar, Contemplative Music on Six Strings is a gem of a book, ready to be discovered by any aspiring guitarist who wants to take it to the next level. The suggestions, patterns and extended pieces opened my eyes and ears to a new world, beyond chords, beyond soloing riffs, and into a place where the guitar became an extension of my deepest desire for expression and the peace of beautiful music from within. I anticipate years of delight and skill building with this book, plus the video and online instruction that Michael hosts. I am so delighted to have this guidance, and am sure you will be too."

Peter Gibb Author, Speaker, Teacher, Coach Mindful Conversation

• As an alternative to printing the PDF book (100 plus pages), downloading to your tablet may be a convenient way to read the music for your playing sessions.

SongLife Training Online

CLICK HERE to watch 'SongLIfe Training' Introduction

Experience support in going deeper into your guitar journey with No Mind Guitar author, Michael Stillwater. Online course in Guitar Artistry, Songwriting, and Intuitive SongMaking. Visit

• A video instruction series corresponding to the book is in development. View the first video installment, featuring six Legendaria pieces (Demonstration Video #1), by clicking on title below video. To order the 14-video offline MasterClass on Guitar Artistry, go here. .

About the Composer:

With over 40 years experience as guitarist, songwriter, performer, recording artist and teacher, Michael Stillwater's approach draws from classical, jazz, folk and rock styles. In the 60’s he studied guitar with jazz legend Frank Mullen and rock virtuoso Nils Lofgren; in the 70’s at University of Oregon School of Music with lessons from George Sakellariou (protogé of Andrés Segovia) and private studies with Duke Ellington arranger W.A. Mathieu. No Mind Guitar is Stillwater's first guitar method book.

Revised Edition, August, 2021

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