Welcome to the online publishing platform for Michael Stillwater.

An award-winning songwriter, recording artist and filmmaker, Stillwater provides artistic and transformative reflections on core societal issues. An innovative educator, he catalyzes creative expression in people of all ages.

Through Song Without Borders, the nonprofit creative arts agency he founded, he created three films together with his wife, psychologist Doris Laesser Stillwater.

Shining Night: A Portrait of Composer Morten Lauridsen (2012).
Acclaimed 'a heartening rarity' by the Wall Street Journal, the film received four Best Documentary awards at US film festivals and enthusiastic response from a global audience, including Europe and South Africa. The movie tells the story of one man's deep listening in the solitude of nature, and sharing the song he hears through millions of choral voices.

In Search of the Great Song: Fifty voices. Twelve countries. One question. (2016), received two Best Documentary awards, including at its US Premiere, Moondance Int'l Film Festival in Boulder, CO. Providing an existential and metaphorical context, the film serves as a conversation starter for exploring our essential creativity.

Beyond the Fear of Singing: Unlock Your Voice, Release Your Song (2019), winner of four film festival awards, focuses on the inhibition so many feel about their singing voice, and pathways to healing and expression.

Stillwater's chants and healing songs are enjoyed by listening audiences and in singing circles, gatherings, churches and communities, with multiple recordings by other artists as well as himself.

His intuitive recording artistry provides a unique way for people to feel seen and supported at an essential level. Songportraits are sessions with individuals who receive original songs created in their presence, in response to their essence. The Honoring is a music healing ceremony which demonstrates empathic connection in a unique and powerful way.

Through his intuitive CD recordings, such as Stillwater and The Honoring, the beauty, depth and sensitivity of his intuitive artistry can be experienced and appreciated.

SongSourcing is a method offering a way for anyone to re-connect to their own intuitive vocal expression. Stillwater's Song Sanctuary seminars and retreats combine these elements in a one-day, two-day, or longer program.

Co-author with film composer Gary Malkin of Graceful Passages: A Companion for Living and Dying (co-producer, Doris Laesser Stillwater), Care for the Journey: Messages and Music for Sustaining the Heart of Healthcare, and The Heart of Healing, he is founder of Inner Harmony, offering musical services online and on-site, and Song Without Borders, producer of films and other programs applying song to personal and societal transformation, a project of nonprofit Living Bridges of Santa Fe, NM.

His landscape and nature photography is represented in The Stillwater Collection, featuring hundreds of beautiful images from Switzerland and other vistas.

Together with his wife, creative partner and project co-producer, Doris Laesser Stillwater, a Swiss contemplative psychologist, he co-leads Song Sanctuary Retreats, along with SongLife Trainings, in Europe and America, providing support through contemplative, creative and personal growth practice. He resides in Switzerland and travels frequently, offering musical programs and creative educational programs in Europe and America.

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