Arc In Time-- Digital

A Retrospective- 1980-1989

The Past is Over
Blues into Gold
Song of Paradise
Song Universal
Quiet Heart
So Much Love
Love Each Other
One Light
Walk My Word
In the Light
Mother Divine
You Belong to Love

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Listen to the Music

About the Music

Enjoy fourteen selections from ten years of Stillwater's heart opening healing music, combining songs that are both calming and uptempo, soothing and exulting -- a radiant celebration from the core of being. Conveying both pop and folk styles with a spirit of ardent devotion. Ideal for listening or singing, enjoyed by adults and children alike.

Albums represented include:

Set Your Heartsong Free (1980)
Celebration (1982)
Voices of the Heart (1985)
One Light (1986)
You Belong To Love (1989)

Total Time: 72:00

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