Elevant Sampler Tracks - Elevant

Elevant Sampler Tracks

Three sampler tracks of Elevant's work

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Home is Dead
Hide It Away

Elevant are an eclectic, heavy alternative rock band, and have released three albums on our own label, Loner Noise. The last album, There is a Tide received widespread acclaim. We've played at such festivals as Tramlines, Liverpool Music Week, Threshold Festival, Liverpool Calling and Snaithfest, and are putting on Wrong Festival which is hosting Bo Ningen, The Wytches, Part Chimp and Heck amongst others. We've played shows with Heck, God Damn, Kagoule, Hey Colossus, Hawk Eyes, False Advertising and Abattoir Blues. We recently recorded at Abbey Road and are planning to release and EP this year. These are three tracks picked from our recent output.