"For a new band to deliver one record of the year is pretty commendable and rare, but three albums in three years of which two are included in our best of year list is pretty remarkable." - Shakenstir

"I am converted. The dynamic between guitarist/vocalist Michael Edward and bassist Hannah Lodge is electric, and when Edward thrusts his guitar into the hands of the crowd, falls to his knees and just screams while they flail away, you can't help but love it." - Bido Lito

"With their prog-like precision and constant genre hopping (which isn’t a case of awkwardly trying their hand at different genres until one clumsily fits; Every stylistic u-turn is fiendishly innovative and inescapably engaging) it’s no wonder the experimental DIY approach they apply to every aspect of their work, works so god damn well." - Gigslutz

"Elevant have made a revealing album that is raw and honest and open about the darkest parts of society and humanity." - Artrocker

"The three-piece more than possess the chops to convince, with the trio sounding far vaster than the sum of their parts. Anchored by Tom Shand’s pummelling Bonham-esque beats and Hannah Lodge’s interlocking bassline weaves, lead singer Michael Edward’s lung bursting Chris Cornell-style lead vocals and bludgeoning guitar work make the record sound like the work of a six-piece." - Bearded Magazine

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