Bang Bang Club is a recently formed four piece from Sheffield. The lads have been playing together since Jake forced the other two to join his Beatles tribute band at infant school - complete with grey suits and mop tops!

Singer/guitarist, Jake Sissons, is heavily influenced by Arctic Monkeys, Oasis, Manics and The Smiths. He became obsessed with music at an early age and can list the entire Beatles discography, release dates included, off the top of his head like Rain Man. He plays with expert precision and is searching for the perfect melody.

Bassist, Adam Eaton, is a panel beater by trade. His workman’s hands provide a unique take on the bass. He plays hard and fast, adding a unique garage grunge sound to the band’s almost poppy melodies.

Drummer, Tom Barker, has a flair for creating interesting beats and relishes hitting those babies hard. He’s known for his relentless rhythms and stomping back beat. His drumming is the primal force that drives the songs.

Guitarist, Sam Leader, is the latest addition to the band. Not only a wizard on guitar, he's also the band's resident tech-head. He even wagers the occasional groove-off onstage with Adam. It is a sight!

The lads’ different musical styles mash together creating a strong Yorkshire brew!

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