--S.D. (Dakota News Now) -- From his hometown in Massachusetts to his new home in South Dakota, Mike Santucci decided a change of scenery roughly 1,500 miles away was the correct move. He’s not completely unfamiliar with the Midwest after visiting a few times to play music, and after his son got a job in South Dakota, the next logical move was out west. After traveling all over Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Vermont, he felt his music would mesh well with people in this area. “I wanted to see how the music scene was in South Dakota and I wanted to bring some of that New England music over here to the Midwest,” Santucci said. Santucci, who also goes by Mikey Saint, started off as a drummer. He was gifted a drum set when he was two years old but eventually picked up the guitar. After playing well in his own bands, he began to open up for others at concerts such as Godsmack, Drop Kick Murphys, and Black 47. Growing up in the Boston metro, hardcore punk and Celtic were familiar styles that influenced a lot of his work. He says country, alternative, and folk music also find ways to filter into his music. A lot of the lyrics for his songs originate from his love for poetry and writing and he has published books such as “Inception,” “The Crazy Me,” and “The World’s Blues.” “I think everything I write has a common theme,” Santucci said. “Love, loss, heartache, [and] heartbreak. Somebody that listens to something and can identify with that, that’s what I’m here for,” he said. “Hang Your Head” is one song he hopes connects people. He wrote the song when his grandmother passed, but it also has another meaning to an everyday issue. “That’s about the homeless population and how we can do more to help, [and] extend our reach to people in need.” When he begins performing this year, he would like to start giving whatever he makes during the events to go toward helping the Brandon and Sioux Falls communities.

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