Move On - You Over Me

Move On

This is a song about your ex

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Move On

Emma shared an insight of the meaning behind the lyrics: "When we started writing Move On I'll be honest in saying I wasn't in the best headspace but having the support of the guys in the band really allowed me to express all the hurt and anger Thad been feeling in a productive and non-toxic way. The lyrics stemmed from a situation I was in and bounced off of the thoughts and feelings I was having at that particular time. In a way writing the song was a way for me to vent and say all these things I never had the strength to say to this persons face. Move On is about watching this person move on with their life and forgetting about you, wanting to do the same but having this constant fear that doing so will result in getting hurt all over again. It's a balance between doubting yourself because of how someone has made you feel and knowing that your actions weren't to blame but still feeling like somehow it's all your fault."