Such Mortal Sport - Gemma Khawaja

Such Mortal Sport

Digital album download

The Bramble Briar
The Snow It Melts The Soonest
Higher Germany
The Brave Grenadier
Bide Lady Bide
What Will Ye My Poor Orphans Do?
I Wish, I Wish
Come A-Maying
Hatton Woods
Hold With The Hare

This is a digital download copy of the album Such Mortal Sport. Please get in touch directly with the artist if you wish to buy a copy or visit discogs website


Released: 2nd September, 2015

All recording, mixing and audio mastering by: Ian Carter

Guitar, vocals, tenor guitar: Gemma Khawaja

Tenor guitar (track 1) and percussion (track 5): Ian Carter

All album artwork by: *Gemma Khawaja *