My Story

My Story

Welcome to freeyourvoicehub, i am so glad you are here, and that you are taking the time to read my story. Freeyourvoicehub is a place for ALL singers and public speakers to enjoy. My name is Vicky and i'd like to share my journey with you and connect with you on a personal level. Hopefully then you can understand a bit more about me as a person and how i became a singer and vocal coach.

From a young age i AlWAYS loved to sing! It's hard to remember exactly when i began singing, but my best friend Penny remembers me singing Elvis 'Blue Suede Shoes' on a school bench in knee high socks when i was just 7 years old!!

I'm going to be really honest with you now, which is hard, but i want you to understand why i became a singer. And i'd also like to share with you my journey with my voice. It begins at just 6 years old when my dad left my family, and left my mum heart broken. She had to look after three children alone with no financial support. It took me until my 30's to realize that this had affected me, and i can now see that there were times when i didn't feel emotionally stable. Looking back, i can see that singing was always a therapy for me. It helped me deal with any emotional turmoil, and in a way i was lucky to be a child who externalized my feelings. The voice continues to be an important means of expression for me, and of course it's also a MASSIVE source of enjoyment. These days i feel like i can use my experiences in such a positive way, to help others connect with the voice, and to potentially explore the freedom of externalizing their own emotion.

In my late teens i decided to study POP Music. I just WASN'T interested in anything else! And even though i was given the message - "THATS NOT A REAL CAREER" rebellious nature meant i wasn't going to listen to that! And i am so proud of my journey into a successful Vocal Coach today. To support myself through music college, i worked with children and young people. This is another important part of my story, as this gave me SO much insight into the individuality of each human being. Working with individual needs is essential to ALL of my work. Realizing that each student requires a unique approach influences all of my teaching methods. I really take the time to investigate my students learning styles and needs.

After my study of Pop Music and some of my first experiences in Indie and Pop bands, i decided to study Creative Music Technology. This allowed me a deep understanding of how to record the voice, and i now carefully consider production methods when it comes to my own songwriting and singing. I've recorded some of my students voices, and its such a great way to analyze the voice, to build confidence and to develop as a singer.

After University, i made the move to the big smoke, and London meant working in an Electro Pop Band with my Uni mates. I learnt my stage style, how to overcome my own personal performance anxieties and we toured the UK, supporting the likes of The Mystery Jets, Katy B and many more. We even got close to a big record deal and ended up in Robbie Williams lawyers office for a meeting!

In my late 20's i moved back home to Cambridge after a period of sickness. I was ready for the calm of the countryside again! I was soon offered a job at CSVPA (Cambridge Visual and Performing Arts College), where i have worked ever since as a Vocal Coach. This really gave me the chance to grow as a teacher, to learn my teaching methods, and to work individually with singers. This has been SUCH an amazing experience for me, as i now work with students from all over the world.

Unfortunately after a few years at the college, i had a bad break up, and became a single mum. Not something anyone dreams of, or thinks will happen to them. This was a tipping point for me. I gathered all my strength and put myself though therapy to deal with the devastation. I dedicated myself further to my son and to my love of music. The inner strength i gained from therapy lead me to becoming a stronger teacher, and it lead me to find new ways to fit music and singing into my life. With this new found emotional freedom, and direction, i can safely say i'm now in the best place i've ever been in my life! That doesn't mean i don't have regular challenges, but now i am equipped to deal with them. And my journey continues...

I now have music out on record labels, and i have had lots of my music used on TV and adverts, including - Love Island, Made In Chelsea, Top Gear, Big Brother, The X Factor and many more! So i am very proud of myself for achieving all of this.

To continue my passion for the voice i have now completed a 3 year Diploma in Vocal Technique in Copenhagen. This also means i will stay up to date with all the latest techniques, pedagogy and science of the voice. Studying with students from all over Europe, i absolutely love 'Complete Vocal Technique'. Their philosophies and teaching methods are very special.

If you would like to follow my journey further, and find out how i fit it all in as a single mum! If you'd like to know how i find the time to develop my voice, and you would also like to receive tips and tricks for building your own voice... and MUCH more... then follow my blog....

Thank you for listening, and for taking the time to read this,

Vicky x

and to book a 30 minutes introduction with me, just drop me a message:)