The Early Years Package - neilcowleytrio

The Early Years Package

Displaced (2006) Loud...Louder...Stop (2008) Radio Silence (2010)

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    This bundle also includes:

    Radio Silence CD Album

    Our album first released in 2010. Featuring Gerald, Hug The Greyhound and Box Lily.

    This bundle also includes:

    Loud...Louder...Stop CD Album

    Our album from 2008. Featuring His Nibs. Clumsy Couple and Dinosaur Die

    1. His Nibs
    2. Dinosaur Die
    3. Scaredy Cat
    4. Ginger Sheep
    5. Clumsy Couple
    6. Captain Backfire
    7. Well
    8. We Are Here to Make Plastic
    9. Synaesthesia Traffic
    10. Street Paved with Half Baguettes Pt.2
    This bundle also includes:

    Displaced CD Album

    Our first album. Winner of the BBC Jazz Awards for Best Album 2007. Featuring How Do We Catch Up, Displaced, Degree in Intuition and Kenny T

    1. Little Secrets
    2. How Do We Catch Up
    3. Displaced
    4. Pair of Teeth
    5. She Eats Flies
    6. Degree in Intuition
    7. That's My Space
    8. Clown Town
    9. Pinball Number Count
    10. Kenny Two Steps
    11. Mourn
    12. Pillar to Post
    13. Taller Than Me
    14. How Do We Catch Up (Entity Mix)