Common Ground - Neil Thomson

Common Ground

Debut album by singer songwriter Neil Thomson


Gently, folky listening from Scotland in a unique and contemporary style. Find out about the joys of the Bonnie Wee Well, take a road trip through Death Valley, unearth the nature of Burns or find out the secrets of the Old Armchair!

Neil's writing is mainly but not solely inspired by his native Scotland. It's roots, people, tradition and natural environment provide inspiration for creating music in his own relaxed, gentle style. He enjoys setting his music to traditional poems sung in Old Scots and in particular the poetry of Gerry Cambridge.

Review: The List Magazine “The year in the making debut album from Paisley Singer/ Songwriter Neil Thomson is a welcome alternative. Its 10 tracks of gentle and evocative folky listening, are more akin to a leisurely rural run, Thomson investing the whole with a James Taylor-esque peaceful assurance”.