Stones : Closer To The Edge (Original Soundtrack) - Alexander McKay

Stones : Closer To The Edge (Original Soundtrack)

Full original soundtrack from the award winning feature film "Stones".

Love Song
Against The Tide
Cigarette Scene
Chasing Fires
Find Your Way Home
Against The Tide
Alex Calls Jen
Club Scene
Let Your Heart Wonder
Closer To The Edge
Flower Shop Scene
Travelling In Van
Hit The Ground Running
Under Bridge Scene
Another Man
Not In Van
Drowning Song
A A Meeting
Second Chances
Moving On
Just Friends
End Kiss
Until The End

Full original soundtrack from the award winning feature film "Stones".

Alexander McKay is relaunching his career as a singer songwriter when his girlfriend, Jen, sick of his excessive drinking, throws him out. He winds up on the street, homeless and hung over, but is offered a lifeline when an old friend, Rachel, lets him sleep in her flower shop van and try to get his life back on track. At first it seems as though Alex might take the chance he's been given, write some songs, and take advantage of a new gig playing at a prestigious club which could also secure him a recording deal. But Alex can't get over Jen, fantasizes about her as the perfect woman, and little by little the drinking takes over. Eventually he is booed off stage because he's too drunk to remember the words of his own songs, forcing his new manager to dump him. When Alex sees Jen with one of his friends it is the final straw, and he tries to drown himself, only to be saved by a passing jogger. Rachel reads him the riot act, reveals her own alcoholic past, and gets Alex to start.........